Work in progress - Pastel on pastelboard
Do I believe in magic?  Maybe.  I want to.  Whenever I look at the sky at night with all of the stars twinkling, it seems magical. When I am painting a picture and I plan on spending just a few minutes to get started and before I know it the afternoon is gone - it seems like magic!  I love the feeling of being so totally immersed in something that I don't hear the dogs barking, the phone ringing, or the television calling my name. It is as though someone has cast a magical spell over me and for a few hours nothing exists except my painting.  So I am going to have to change my answer. Yes, I do believe in magic!  It's wonderful, it's powerful, and it does exist every time I begin to create something new.  How about you?  Do you believe in magic?

                     When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!


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    Ginny Lennox, Shawn McLeod, Beth Hermes, Sheila Roth

    Unleashing Your Creativity is the beginning of something wonderful.  It starts with a one Day Workshop in Woodstock, Goergia but hopefully will become a movement that will motivate people all over the world to unleash their creative talents.  Please join us!  Attend our workshop, comment on our blog, and let us know who you are.  We would love to meet you!


    September 2013

