What If?

It is always fun to begin something new.  This is the first blog post on our Unleashing Your Creativity site.  It is exciting to get to meet new people through this site and hopefully our blog.  Please visit often and leave comments.  We are hoping to get to know you and to build a community of people who love to create and want to share their ideas and support. 

Today I wanted to share two powerful words - What if?  DId you know that when you ask a question it opens your mind up to endless possibilities?  Ideas begin to flow and new paths begin to form.  This morning I asked myself, "What if I began each day with just one yoga pose?  Would I feel stronger, more centered, and see the world in a more positive way?  Would it make a difference in how my day went?  So this week I am going to start each day with just one pose and pay attention to what happens.   

Here are some possible questions that you might want to reflect upon?  What if I doodled?  What if I called my friend instead of texting her?  What if I walked an extra five minutes?  What if I wrote in my journal before I went to sleep?  What if I cleared a piece of my garden for vegetables?  What if I sang louder or danced longer?  What if I smiled at everyone I met today?  How would it change my life or someone else's day?

We would love to hear your what if question.  We really want to  begin an Unleashing Your Creativity community that grows and grows.  Introduce yourself and let us know what you love to do!  What if we began a movement in Woodstock Georgia that encouraged people all over the world to Unleash Their Creativity?  We can't think of anything better. 

                   When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

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    Ginny Lennox, Shawn McLeod, Beth Hermes, Sheila Roth

    Unleashing Your Creativity is the beginning of something wonderful.  It starts with a one Day Workshop in Woodstock, Goergia but hopefully will become a movement that will motivate people all over the world to unleash their creative talents.  Please join us!  Attend our workshop, comment on our blog, and let us know who you are.  We would love to meet you!


    September 2013

