Sometimes just taking a break from how you usually create is the exact thing that inspires you to complete a project.  I have just started an art journal and I enjoy just sketching a few minutes a day.  I am using my watercolor pencils but right now I haven't even added the water.  It is just about getting the marks on paper.  WHAT INSPIRES YOU TO CREATE.  

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    Ginny Lennox, Shawn McLeod, Beth Hermes, Sheila Roth

    Unleashing Your Creativity is the beginning of something wonderful.  It starts with a one Day Workshop in Woodstock, Goergia but hopefully will become a movement that will motivate people all over the world to unleash their creative talents.  Please join us!  Attend our workshop, comment on our blog, and let us know who you are.  We would love to meet you!


    September 2013

